Monday, February 25, 2019

Oh, the places you’ll go

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose."
– from the Dr. Seuss book Oh, The Places You Will Go!

Setting goals is always useful to help focus our energy and efforts. At the beginning of the New Year, people took to making resolutions or vision boards. The future is full of possibilities. However, sometimes we miss a critical step – asking God for his guidance, paying attention to his will for us in our lives.

Meet Maria Dolores “Lolis” Flores from Brownsville. For years, this 23-year-old who recently completed the two-year diocesan lay ecclesial ministry formation program wanted to become famous for her singing talent. She sang every chance she could, auditioned for different television programs, looked for every opportunity to get recognized by talent scouts. She was becoming discouraged, but during a retreat, she experienced a conversion that helped her surrender her will to what God might be calling her to do.

She became more involved in her parish, Our Heavenly Father Church in Olmito, and started taking formation classes. Soon she discovered she could use her voice to evangelize, to sing for God’s greater glory. “The singing that he has given me is a gift from God and I want to share that with everyone,” she said.

In July 2018, she started praying the Rosary and sharing her music live every night at 10 p.m. on Facebook. Within six months she had more than 50,000 followers. She now has more than 58,000. She has since added an Instagram account that is growing a following as well. “I remember my first live broadcast. I was scared and nervous. I was trembling,” she said. “But one follows the will of God and I entrusted my fears and my will to him.”

Lolis, who started singing in the mariachi when she was 16 years old in high school, said she has drawn inspiration from praying the Rosary live. Since she began, people from throughout the world have joined her in prayer. “It has been a blessing to unite with so many, to join together night after night to pray the Rosary,” she said. “Praying every night, Mary takes us to Jesus.” She said hundreds have since shared their own conversion stories with her.

Last year Lolis also released two singles. Her first single, “Siempre Has Sido Tu,” was released in June 2018. Produced by Joan Sanchez at GOSPA studios in McAllen, the song is available on all digital platforms. Lolis said the song describes her personal “before and after” experience of meeting God.

“It is great to see how people connect to this song. I think we have to share what God has done with us. Through our testimony, people can identify with us, and this song has been a blessing – to record it and to share it,” she said.

In her song, Lolis shares: “Sin darme cuenta, cerré las puertas, le di la espalda a tu amor. / Y siempre has sido tú lo que más necesitaba, Siempre has sido tú el anhelo de mi alma.”  (Without realizing it I closed the doors, I turned my back on your love. You have always been what I most needed, without realizing it. It has always been you.)

As someone who is not in the habit of posting daily on social media, I consider Lolis’ advice something to consider: “I invite you to share your testimony with others,” she said. “What God has done for you in your life may be what others need to hear. God is always present for us.”

Lolis released a new song, “Bendita Maria,” on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe this past December. It speaks of her devotion to the Blessed Mother Mary, whose “yes” changed the world.

While some young people are using social media platforms to post about their daily lives, highlighting everything from the parties they attend to the celebrities they follow, it is inspiring to see how one young woman and others like her are using social media to give witness to how the Lord is working in her life. At the same time she is bringing the light of Christ to others.

I anticipate we will be hearing more from this young woman in the future. Oh, the places you’ll go when God is leading the way. Lolis, “You’re off to great places.”

(Originally published in February 2019 edition of The Valley Catholic newspaper)